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Program Requirement

Technological Leadership, BS

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Program details

Catalog Year: 2025 - 2026 General Studies Gold
Degree: Bachelor of Science, BS
minimum credit hours
Upper division minimum
credit hours

Curriculum Checksheet

Requirement Minimum Grade Credit Hours
Major Requirements
A minimum of 12 upper-division credit hours used toward the major requirements must be taken from The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. When selecting courses, the college offering the course can be identified by viewing the course details in the class search.
Inquiry Courses
IPI 196: Fundamentals of Inquiry
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
IPI 296: Interplanetary Inquiry
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
IPI 496: Advanced Interplanetary Inquiry
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
IPI 496: Advanced Interplanetary Inquiry
OR THF 429: Astrobiological Arts
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
Making Requirements
IPI 241: Designing and Making (Electronics and Programming)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
IPI 341: Designing and Making (3D Printing and Fabrication)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
Making Electives may not be offered for all campuses and may require prerequisites. Review class search thoroughly to understand course offering options or speak with your advisor.
Leadership Requirements
PSY 302: The Psychology of Positive Leadership
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
6 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 6
Leadership Electives may not be offered for all campuses and may require prerequisites. Review class search thoroughly to understand course offering options or speak with your advisor.
Career/Internship Requirements
IPI 400: Fundamentals of Career Success
2 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 2
IPI 402: Technological Leadership Career Exploration
1 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 1
IPI 484: Internship
6 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:Y
Y 6
Internship experiences can come from a variety of opportunities and may be done as one or two immersive experiences to meet the required 6 credits. Work with your advisor to complete this portion of the program.
The College Requirements
Mathematics Proficiency Requirement: All students are required to obtain a grade of "C" or higher in any course that satisfies the ASU General Studies MATH requirement.
Science and Society Requirement: All students pursuing a BS or BSP degree in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must complete two courses from the Science and Society list found at At least one of the two courses must be upper division and students must earn a C or better in the courses. Both Science and Society courses (i.e., all six credits) may count towards any major, minor, related fields, and ASU General Studies requirements.
Minimum Grade:
IPI 241 and IPI 341 fulfill the Science and Society requirement.
Additional Requirements
CSE 110: Principles of Programming (QTRS)
OR AME 230: Programming for the Media Arts (QTRS)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
COM 225: Public Speaking and Presentations (CIVI)
OR COM 230: Teamwork and Collaboration (SOBE)
OR COM 259: Communication in Business and the Professions (CIVI)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
MAT 210: Brief Calculus (MATH)
OR MAT 265: Calculus for Engineers I (MATH)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
Students interested in a STEM career field or graduate school should enroll in MAT 265.
PHY 111: General Physics (SCIT) AND PHY 113: General Physics Laboratory (SCIT)
4 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 4
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology (SOBE)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
STP 226: Elements of Statistics (QTRS)
3 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 3
ASU 101 or College-Specific First-Year Seminar
ASU 101 or college-specific equivalent First-Year Seminar required of all first-year students.
Students enrolled in a campus immersion degree enroll in LIA 101. Students enrolled in an online degree enroll in ASU 101-LA.
ASU 101-LA: The ASU Experience
OR LIA 101: Student Success in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
1 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:
First-Year Composition
ENG 101: First-Year Composition AND ENG 102: First-Year Composition
OR ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition
OR ENG 107: First-Year Composition AND ENG 108: First-Year Composition
6 Credit Hours
Minimum Grade:C
C 6
All baccalaureate degree students must fulfill university graduation requirements, including a minimum of 120 credit hours, with at least 45 credit hours in upper-division courses.
All undergraduate students must complete General Studies requirements.
Mathematics Placement Assessment score determines placement in first mathematics course.
Students are encouraged to complete any needed university electives from the Making and Leadership Elective Lists to further develop their resume and professional skills.
General Studies designations listed next to courses were valid for the 2025 - 2026 academic year. Please refer to the course catalog for current General Studies designations at time of class registration. General Studies credit is applied according to the designation the course carries at the time the class is taken.
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